How to Pack Smartly
28 August 2024

Tips for Packing the Perfect Suitcase in Just a Few Steps

If you’re among the lucky ones who are still set to head out on vacation, this article will help you pack your suitcase without stress, so you can fully enjoy your well-deserved holiday in September. If, on the other hand, you’re one of those who have already returned or are about to, you can start dreaming of your next trip by taking note of these tips for packing the perfect suitcase.

Of course, the perfect suitcase depends on your travel destination (beach, mountains, cultural city), mode of transportation (plane, car, train), and type of accommodation (hotel, camping, or apartment). Those staying in a rental apartment may need to bring sheets and towels, while travelers flying with a budget airline will need to minimize their luggage. So, there isn't a one-size-fits-all rule, but there are some tips that can help you pack smartly. Let’s take a look!

Make a packing list 

Whether you’re the type who “does everything the night before” or you prefer to start preparing things well in advance, a checklist is always useful for reflecting on what you really need and what you can leave at home. Additionally, having one or more lists tailored for each type of trip (for example: beach hotel, international flight to a city, mountain apartment stay) can save you time and help you organize efficiently every time you pack your suitcase.

Focus on the Essentials

When you're on vacation, you can buy almost anything you need, but without your documents and tickets, you can't go anywhere! The first thing to do is check the validity of these documents and make sure they’re in your suitcase. If you're flying and there's a chance your luggage might get lost or delayed, pack a carry-on with the essentials: a change of clothes, your phone charger, any necessary medications (keeping within the 100ml limit set by airlines), and your valuable items. This small travel kit is useful in any situation, whether you’re traveling by car or train and want to keep your essentials within easy reach.

Check the weather forecast 

Unless you have a particularly long vacation planned, weather forecasts can give you a pretty accurate idea of the temperatures and weather conditions in the weeks to come. Check the weather for your destination to see if a light rain jacket and a pair of closed-toe shoes will suffice for any emergencies, or if you'll need to pack heavier clothing. This way, you can best prepare and bring only what you truly need.


Think about combinations, minimize, and roll up your clothes. 

Choose clothing items that are easily mix-and-matchable to create different outfits using just a few pieces. Opt for neutral colors and fabrics suitable for the climate of your destination, avoiding specialty garments that you’ll likely only wear once and which would take up valuable space in your suitcase. To optimize space, roll your clothes instead of folding them, reducing volume and unwanted wrinkles. Using vacuum-sealed bags is particularly helpful for compacting bulky items like sweaters. If, despite these precautions, some wrinkles occur and you want a pristine shirt for a night out, bring along an ultra-compact travel iron like the Girmi ST04. Lightweight and easy to pack, it will keep your clothes in order while allowing you to reduce the number of items you need to take with you. How? Find out in the next point!

Consider washing your clothes while on vacation.

Wait, don’t say, “No, I don’t do anything on vacation!” Many swear that traveling light and washing clothes during their stay is the real game-changer for avoiding bulky luggage and reducing the number of loads when they get home, especially for those traveling with large families. If your accommodation has a washing machine, you can do laundry as needed. Alternatively, you can always use a nearby laundromat. So, which camp do you belong to?

Utilize the empty spaces 

Make the most of every little bit of available space in your suitcase to optimize your packing. For instance, the insides of your shoes are perfect for stuffing socks, belts, or small accessories. Instead of using one large bag, opt for several smaller pouches that fit more efficiently into the empty spaces, allowing you to save room. A practical example? Organize your items by function rather than shoving everything into one bulky toiletry bag. You can have one pouch for shower products, one for sunscreen and beach items, another for makeup and creams, and yet another for your toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, and other essential hygiene products. If your vacation is short, use small travel containers to bring only the necessary amount of each product. This organization won't just save space; it will also make it easier to find what you need once you arrive at your destination.

Plan for extra space

Bring a foldable bag to pack in your suitcase for any additional needs that might arise during your trip, such as a spontaneous day out or carrying unexpected extra purchases. It’s rare to return from a trip with the same amount of luggage you started with. It’s always a good idea to leave some free space in your suitcase for souvenirs or purchases, but having a backup bag can be a practical solution if that extra space isn't enough. This simple precaution will save you from having to rearrange everything at the last minute.

Choose the portable version of what you need 

Before you head out, check the amenities available at your accommodation. For instance, most hotels and rental apartments have hairdryers, but there are situations—like camping or a road trip—where you might not find one available. In these cases, it’s better to bring a compact travel hairdryer instead of the bulky one from home. Modern models like the Girmi PH04 offer power and features comparable to the best home hairdryers, without taking up too much space. 

The same goes for other essential appliances while on vacation. Those traveling with small children know how important it is to have a kettle handy for preparing bottles. A kettle is also useful for camping, as it allows you to make instant tea or coffee simply by plugging it in. Opting for a collapsible kettle like the Girmi BL03 is the ideal choice to save space without sacrificing convenience. 

We hope these tips help you enjoy your vacation worry-free. Safe travels!

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